Cantor Lawrence earned his B.A. in Jewish Studies at Oberlin College, a certificate in Elementary Education from Eastern Michigan University, and a Masters of Jewish Education and Cantorial Ordination from Hebrew College. Since his ordination in 2014, Cantor Lawrence has served as the cantor of Temple Emanu-El in Orange Village, Ohio; Temple Rodeph Torah in Marlboro, NJ; Kesher Israel Congregation in West Chester, PA, and as the High Holy Cantor for Congregation Sha'arey Tzedek in Lansing MI. Amongst other experience, Cantor Lawrence has worked with the Zamir Chorale of Boston and the HaZamir Children's Choir Cleveland Chapter.

During his cantorial studies, Cantor Lawrence studied how previous composers of Jewish music have taken the musical tradition that they received from previous generations and blended it with contemporary musical styles; in keeping with this tradition, he has composed music mixing traditional music with contemporary styles for Shabbat worship.

In an interview with his professors at Hebrew College, Cantor Lawrence was asked what he hoped to bring from his cantorial education to his professional life. He answered:

I feel the most valuable piece of wisdom I’ve received from my education is the ever-present and important tension that exists in our liturgy between keva (that which is fixed/set) and kavanah (intention). To me, this pull between keva and kavanah is understanding how we can honor, cherish and utilize our vast received tradition while at the same time ensuring that what we do with our tradition is infused with meaning in today’s world. I believe that both keva and kavannah have contributed, and continue to contribute, to Jewish continuity.

Cantor Lawrence began Chaplaincy training in 2019, and finished in 2022. He served as the volunteer Chaplain for the pediatric and adult palliative care teams at Princess Marina Hospital in Gaborone, Botswana from 2022 to April of 2024. In July of 2024, Cantor Lawrence began to serve as the Cantor for Temple Emanuel and as the director of the United Jewish School, both located in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

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